Thursday, April 2, 2009

Business Idea: Book Rentals

There have been many days that I've searched for a book I wanted in my local library only to leave very disappointed. Of course it was not there, leaving me with the only choice there was; purchasing it. Somewhat like movie rentals, a book rental service would solve all of that.

Now if you're just looking to make some side money, you can market this to some coworkers, mommy groups, sports groups, business meetings and so on. Charge a cheap rate per day like .50 or even 2-3 bucks a week. Give a two week period for the book and as long as the book remains in good condition, you get the book back, money from the rental, and keep the cycle going with the next person. Even list the books on a free website with your info, agreement, and rates.

Though if you looking at this on a more local scale for your area then you're going to need start up funds, lots of books, office space if you don't plan on holding the books in your garage or home self and info on registering yourself as a business in your local county.

God Bless


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