Friday, April 17, 2009

Professional Blogger

So this idea is going to take some time build upon. Actually, it can be done while you are doing something else until you get a great amount of readership. Then you can market your services. See there are many companies that hire bloggers to write on all sorts of topics. And since blogging has become a new wave of the future, it only make sense for companies to maintain a blog. And for them to hire people to do.

So for this you have to have the basic stuff, computer, internet etc. You also have to have a good command of English and a good track record. Now by track record I don't mean a huge portfolio of clients. I'm just talking about owning a blog yourself. Just about every blogging job I've applied for, asked for blog links and samples first. So if you don't already blog, you may not be successful promoting yourself as one for a company just to get a job. Think of it as an online diary or just conversing with a friend. You can be yourself and blog about whatever you like.

Once you've been blogging for a few months successfully, market yourself to companies and business owners. Proudly distinguish yourself and your blog. The key to blogging is consistency and longevity. If you continue writing and don't abandon your blog, you'll get loyal viewers over time. There are also many blog directories to submit your blog to. Try advertising in your signature in forums related to your niche and other social network platforms.

Mashable has a great list of 40 free blog hosts to get you going.

God Bless


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