Saturday, June 13, 2009

Event Business

This idea is great for people who loves organizing events, loves people and most importantly loves getting out. If all three of these describe you then keep reading, this might be something you'd enjoy.

Find out what places hosts events and different happenings in your area. Talk with management and find out when they are the slowest. Propose a fun event to get people out and suggest that you would handle all the promotion for that night. It can be any type of them that is current ie holidays, sports, ladies, arts, crafts, business networking, franchisers, etc. This will benefit the business because they will be getting free promotion and repeat customers as well as monies made off of food and beverages during the event.

So you're probably thinking what would you receive from all this hard work. Well the admission to get into the event is your profit. The more people attend, the bigger the success and the bigger the profit. Just imagine if about 200 people show up to an event with an admission of $5. That's $1000 from one event. Not to mention that this is something you can do part-time.

Let's just say you want to host some sort of entertainment for the night; lecture, seminar, a speaker and so forth. This will not be hard to find because you are providing the audience and a great spot for this person to receive exposure and something they can add to their portfolio.

You can even organize a talent show with part of the proceeds going to the winner. Or you can let businesses know of your event and ask if they can sponsor some sort of prize to the winner. You can offer some sort of promotion to the business such as free promotion when you are introducing yourself to the crowd and so forth.

Once you start talking to businesses about the type of event you want to promote, you can begin contacting local newspapers, weeklies, and even radio stations to try to promote your event. The more promotion, the bigger the event.

So get out there, start talking, begin promoting, and enjoy the ride.

God Bless


Nikhil Vaswani said...

Just to add to this article, LinkedIn can be an excellent way to promote such a service.

If you are looking to learn LinkedIn usage, a good reference is a new book called "How to REALLY use LinkedIn" by networking expert Jan Vermeiren. You can find a free lite version at

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