Thursday, June 18, 2009

InStore Demonstration Business

So if you've ever gone shopping and noticed someone set up with a table and samples then you've witnessed first hand the work of an in-store demonstrator. There are hundreds if not thousands of these types of companies and you can choose to start one or gain some experience and expertise in partnering with one as a independent contractor.

For the job aspect, it's run like a normal job except you are working independently. There's also a huge physical aspect to it as it deals with setting up and setting down, standing up all day, and interacting socially with those that are shopping. There may be strict hours that you would have to adhere to during the day while the store is open. And the company may even set up some sort of quota in giving samples to make sure that you are working hard to promote the product being advertised.

Sites like Narms and the Volition forum are great places for researching and applying to demo companies hiring in your area.

Creating your own demo company is also an option for you. You can start off locally and advertise your services to grocery stores and large supermarkets. You can even begin by offering free demo work before you start pitching your services to food distributors and manufacturers. This way you not only have the skills to run your business, but you've experienced both sides of working and managing with the references to prove it.

Research the business. Talk to companies that are already successful doing this type of work. Connect with business that operate on a local level and ask questions about pricing, employees, and advertising. You may be surprised what you might learn that you can implement in your own business.

Good Luck and Happy Demoing!


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